February 14, 2023


  • New wallet product to hold business user's funds. Users can load, unload and transfer funds from their wallet as well as use wallet funds to create transactions to external receivers. Flow and integration guidelines can be found here. You will need to be approved for this product by Machnet to be able to access the APIs. All APIs (Business user, Business Representative, Declaration, Receive user) associated with this product have been updated.

  • Additional hold reasons have been added for external and wallet transactions.

  • New instant account verification using MX has been released. This will also use our existing bank widget. However, there are additional OAuth flows and bank verification statuses that need to be considered. Our legacy instant account verification using chatbot will be deprecated soon. This new integration must be enabled for you before you can integrate and test it out. The new test values are also listed here. Please contact Machnet for additional details.


Last updated