Transaction Delivery

Read on how to request for and get status of delivery of a transaction

Delivery Request

Once the transaction has been created, you will need to request initialization of transaction delivery using this API. Delivery request can be initiated in the following scenarios:

  • Transaction Status is in PENDING or PROCESSED state

  • Transaction 'Type' is DEFAULT i.e. Not a REFUND transaction

Until delivery is requested and approved, the transaction will not be forwarded for payout.

PATCH /users/{{user_id}}/transactions/delivery-requests/{{transaction_id}}

Delivery Request Object

Delivery Status

For clients using their own payout network to deliver a transaction, the status of the delivery needs to be updated on our system using this API. Statuses need to be updated to DELIVERED for completed transactions and DELIVERY_FAILED for transactions which could not be completed.

POST /users/{{user_id}}/transactions/{{transaction_id}}/delivery-details

Last updated